Order Strawhouse Organic Coffee

We Roast Delicious, Organic Coffee Right Here in our Venue

At Strawhouse, organic coffee has been our specialty for almost two decades, and we are proud to introduce our full selection of delicious roasts. In addition to completely organic coffee, many of our products are fair-trade, shade-grown, and even bird-friendly. Our roasters focus on creating a high-quality product in order to bring out the distinct qualities of each coffee variety. Their philosophy is to have the roast support the bean, not the other way around.

In order to bring our customers the freshest coffee possible, we roast onsite in the beautiful mountainous Trinity Alps Wilderness Area. Beyond our commitment to creating delicious organic coffee, we have several national affiliates. Some of our partnerships include the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association), CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers), and NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business).

COFFEE WITH A CAUSE:  With every purchase you make, you are making a difference (thank you)!  For every pound of coffee sold, Strawhouse will donate $3 to our Down River Volunteer Fire Department (DRVFD)! Organic Coffee Roasters in California - Buy Organic Coffee Online  They have a long list of needs and are so important to our communities.  Every pound purchased helps them accomplish their goals to keep our community safe and be able to respond to emergencies as needed.  Thank you for helping those who give of themselves so unselfishly.  We started this program in Spring of 2019 and in 2019 alone, we were able to donate over $3,200 to them – wow!!!

Check out our new coffee website:  Strawhouse Organic Coffee

You can also purchase our coffee, or find our coffee served, at the following fine establishments:

Trinity County

Humboldt County

Shasta and Other Counties